Ensenada Outreach Center - YUGO

Forming One Body - Building One Community

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Jul 25, 2008
Posted by Haley Springer

Miracles. I’ve been thinking a lot about them this week. Bees are miraculous. Their wingspan, aerodynamically speaking, is too short to support their body mass in flight. Yet still, they fly. I know they fly, because about fifteen of them flew out of the fountain as I was cleaning it this past Thursday. After a month here in Ensenada, I am starting to gain some perspective on just how cynical eighteen years in the United States has made me. It seems that as an American, it is second nature to question the validity of everything, even (or especially) the supernatural. 

Modern media has enabled speedy communication, it has made the world a smaller place, it the reason I can share this message with you right now. It has also proven to be an easy way for scammers and con-artists to take advantage of broken people in the name of Jesus Christ. As such, I have always found it difficult to readily accept claims of supernatural healings, of prophetic dreams--of miracles; but now, four weeks in Mexico, four weeks without CNN or FOX or NBC, and I am starting to realize that there are miracles all around me all the time--even big ones, and that the skepticism I once wore like a badge of honor is keeping me from enjoying them. 

My group, should not have finished its house this week. On day one, we ran out of framing nails and paint, one man nearly cut his finger off with the skill-saw and the generator had a minor explosion which, in hindsight, explains why it didn’t work on day two. We lacked physical strength and experience as well as the ability to converse easily with our family. But God took all of our shortcomings and used them to teach me a lesson about miracles.  

On wednesday night, I translated a church service (my first ever) in which Antonio, the man for whom we built the house, accepted Christ into his heart. The Lord turned what should have been a disastrous week into something glorious. Tonight in Heaven, the angels are celebrating because one more has joined the ranks of the saved, and tonight in Ensenada, my group is celebrating because against all odds, we finished our house right on schedule. We even had time to paint a few bumble bees in the baby’s room.