Ensenada Outreach Center - YUGO

Forming One Body - Building One Community

for pre-arrival videos please go to 
Jun 7, 2007

A House for Juventino

Posted by Brittany Blaise

Hello Everyone!

Less than 2 hours of my arrival I found myself in a conversation that I believe began like this, “So Brittany, tell me, do you know what blogging is?” My answer: “Yea actually, but I’ve never really written one before.”

Immediately after that I was “hired” and now here I am, writing my very first blog.

I have been here about two weeks now and we just received our first group to work with four days ago. However, up until their arrival we were kept very busy here at camp to make sure everything was in order. Very early on, I found that re-sheeting and rearranging ALL camp mattresses, bleaching and rinsing out ALL the coolers and scouring the camp office were very necessary in the upkeep of YUGO. Luckily, with a little music and the company of Andrew and Kayleigh, those tasks went by fairly quickly. But, needless to say, I really love when the groups are here.

Besides spending time at the camp, Andrew, Kayleigh and I have visited an orphanage called Pequeños Hermanos twice this past week. It was my first time visiting an orphanage and I was pretty nervous to go because I didn’t know what to expect. But I just couldn’t stay behind so I went and I’m so glad I did. There are about 25 kids that live there from about 4 years old to 15 years old and the staff has the sweetest women I’ve ever met. I’m really glad I got to go and hopefully we will get another opportunity to visit before the summer is over.

Recently, Kayleigh and I have been tagging along with a team from Georgia each day as they build a house for a pastor. I’ve been pretty exhausted and I can’t say it’s been all the building, because…I really haven’t done much. It’s been the “Simon Says”, Duck-Duck-Goose, blowing bubbles, running aimlessly up and down hills and all the piggyback rides with the neighborhood kids that have worn me out; but it’s been worth it. They are really amazing kids and the pastor’s wife has been so generous to prepare great homemade lunches for us every day. The United States has nothin’ on her food. She’s amazing.

Today we dedicated the house to Pastor Juventino Silva and his wife. The dedication involved everyone who worked on the house and each of them were able to share a little something about the past week. It was really beautiful to be a part of something like that and where there were no words to describe the love during the dedication, there were many tears that did.

I’m starting to really like it here and even though I’m homesick (HI MOM!) I think I’m finally finding my place here. I’m excited for the following weeks and will update soon, thanks for reading! Dios le bendiga.
