Ensenada Outreach Center - YUGO

Forming One Body - Building One Community

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Mar 27, 2008

i dont deserve what i already have

Posted by red

the simplicity of his little smile.
the joy in his laughter.
the kindness and love behind the freshly over-painted block of wood.

his name is orlando.
he's six years old.
last night, for the first time ever, he slept in his own bedroom
in his families new house
with his very own mattress.
but through all this bliss, i don't think he actually slept at all.

the excitement and joy that comes from his smile is overwhelming.
his laughter is piercing...but in the good way.
it pierces the heart.

this is why i love being here.
its why i just cant wait to pack up my stuff and move down here for 14 months.
to know that every week, everyday, i will be presented with the opportunity to change someones life.
as much as i know that i could do the same at home,
i know in my heart, that this is where i am supposed to be.
here, in mexico, is where God wants me.

and i am so undeserving of the grace and mercy and love that God has shown and given to me.
everyday i wake up in a warm bed, in my warm house.
i complain so much about all the things i have.
if i wanted i could go on forever about how i'll never have enough.
i don't deserve to live in california,
in a nice house, with a family that loves me,
friends that i know i can always count on.
i don't know why God chose for me to be born in America.

the only difference between orlando's family and my family
is that they were born in mexico.
orlando knows nothing but poverty.
up until four years ago, i knew nothing of poverty.
i knew it was here, in the world, somewhere.
i knew there were hungry kids.
kids who didn't have a family because their parents couldn't afford them.
but i never, for even a moment, thought i would be here right now.
i never pictured my self taking a year off of school to serve the poverty stricken families of Mexico.
I thank God everyday for the passion he's placed in my heart, i cant imagine my life without it, without Mexico, the people i have met here, the everlasting friendships i have made with people thousands of miles away from my home, and the family i have come to rely on.

I'm so stoked to see how God uses my life and the lives of everyone else supporting or working here at the Ensenada Outreach Center. He's done some absolutely amazing things down here. He's changed hundreds of lives and touched countless numbers of hearts. And all that he's already done could only be the beginning.
i know that his plans are big.

-Lil Britt


Wester said...

Wow! You are a gifted writer. Very touching, thanks for sharing your heart.

We can't wait to have you back!